Monday, May 2, 2011


"The Greatest Generation" written by Tom Brokaw, Random House New York


·         Sept 1- Nazis invade Poland
·         Sept 3- Britan, France, Australia, and New Zeland declare war on Germany.
·         Nov 8- Assasionation on Hitler Failed
·         Dec 29-30-Massive German air raid on London
·         Sept 1- Nazis order jews to wear yellow stars.
·         Dec 7- Japanese bombs Pearl Harbor.
·         Dec 8- USA and Britain declare war on Japan
·         Dec 11- Hitler declares war on USA
·         May 2- German troops in Italy Surrender
·         Aug 4- Japanese agree to unconditional surrender

Historical Significance

World War II was just two decades after World War I, and proved to be much more devastating. WWII lasted over six years and took more lives and destroyed more land than any other war before. 45-60 million people were killed over six million of them were jews killed in concentration camps.

Why did Hitler start World War 2

After having took over Austria and Czecoslovakia Hitler belived that he could move east and take Poland. To make it look like Germany wasnt the attacker the came up with a plan. They took one of there prisoners from a concintration camp and dressed him up in a Polish Suit, then they went to Poland and shot him to make it look like he attacked a German Officer.

What started World War II

World War II began in September 1939 when Britan and France declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland. Adolf HItler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 and began building up the German army right away.